Sindh Renewable Energy Company (Pvt.) Ltd. is a public owned private company, established in 2012 under company’s ordinance 1984 of Government of Pakistan. The company is owned by Government of Sindh, it was established for exploitation of commercial business opportunities available in the field of renewable energy but not limited to it.

Globally, rapidly increasing power demand, increased conventional energy costs and international persuasion towards minimizing environmental degradation which is caused by intensive use of fossil fuels have triggered exploitation of Renewable Energy Resources. Among other Renewable Energy resources, the Wind Energy and Solar Energy are the most dominant choices for power generation. Those resources are environmental friendly, renewable and inexpensive choices and are rapidly adopted by developing countries.

Pakistan has a copious Renewable Energy potential, most of which is untapped at commercial level. Renewable Energy Potential of Pakistan is as follows:

Energy SourceEnergy Potential (Mega Watt)
Wind   340,000
Hydro (Large + Small)53,000
Bagasse Cogeneration1,800
Waste to Energy500

Sindh Renewable Energy Company (Pvt.) Ltd. has planned to establish a 100 MW Wind Power Plant at Jhimpir, district Thatta and a 50 MW Solar Power Plant at Manjhand Renewable Energy park located behind Khanot Grid Station, taluka Manjhand, district Jamshoro. These projects will be established at 1:3 equity to debt ratio. Equity share will be financed by the Government of Sindh through Sind Energy Holding Company (Pvt.) Ltd., however the debt component may be obtained from local/foreign loan.

As for future endeavors, after achieving success in the above said projects, the company will enhance its business by increasing its power plants based on other renewable energy sources.