FTN: 8537-9031074​

Village Electrification


Before the creation of Directorate of Village Electrification Programme Sindh, the Sindh Provincial Government was allocating only funds for Village Electrification Programme to HESCO, for deposit works against the Village Electrification Schemes, meeting with criteria. There was no any counter check to ensure the proper utilization of those funds and progress / quality of work.
In view of the above facts, the Government of Sindh has created Directorate of Village Electrification Programmed in Sindh.


Function of Directorate of Village Electrification Programmed Sindh

The functions of Directorate Village Electrification Programmed Sindh are as under:-

  1. To identify & prioritize as per criteria the un-electrified villages of Sindh.
  2. To take efforts for preparation of Feasibility Study of the Villages to be considered for electrification within HESCO, SEPCO and KESC and to provide funds accordingly.
  3. In future the feasibilities would be carried out by the technical staff of HESCO, SEPCO, KESC & the Directorate of VEP jointly.
  4. The Directorate would be considering the execution of electrification work of selected villages at its own as per procedure of WAPDA standards and the completed villages will be hand over to HESCO, SEPCO and KESC for energization.
  5. A PC-I of the scheme namely “Electrification of Four Villages through Directorate of Village Electrification Programme in Sindh (Two Villages within licensed area of each HESCO & SEPCO as Pilot Project)” has been prepared & submitted for the approval of DDWP.


Organizational Setup

The Directorate of Village Electrification Programme Sindh, has a Director, VEP (BS-19) since its creation whereas, Two Deputy Director (Technical) (BPS-18), and Two District Village Electrification Officer (BPS-17) has been posted recently. The posts of Two District Village Electrification Officers (BS-17) and Divisional Accounts Officer (BS-17) are vacant, which are required to be filled in. The required fresh ministerial staff has already been appointed.

The proposed setup of the Directorate of Village Electrification Programme, Sindh is as under:-





Organization Chart

Directorate of Village Electrification Programmed Sindh Energy Department, Govt. of Sindh.


Achievements – VEP In Sindh

Achievements – VEP In Sindh Funded By GOS Under CM Directive

Achievements – Villages in Karachi

Achievements – Villages in Karachi, Funded By GOS Under CM Directive. 

Non ADP Scheme for the Year 2011-12

Augmentation of old villages Baba &Bhit Island, Keamari in respect of Electrical Network, was estimated to Rs. 56.00 (M).

Against said scheme Rs.51.000 million were released by Finance Dept., on 06th March 2012, and transferred to KESC account, whereas, remaining amount of Rs. 05 (M), were required to be paid by the Sponsor, but yet not made available to KESC. However, work is under progress.


Position Of ADP Schemes

Position of ADP Schemes for Strengthen/Establishment of Sub Officer of the Directorate in Hyderabad to Monitor the Village Electrification Work of HESCO/SEPCO (Revenue Component/Capital Component)

Name Of SchemeAmount DistributionRemarks
Village Electrocution Programme in Sindh, Phase-IRs.17.440 million (In Revenue Component for monitoring purpose. Total = 25.000 million (for monitor the working for HESCO/SEPCOAppointment of the officials made very late due to the ban of appointment. However, after & gating permission from high ups process of contract have been completed.
Rs.7.560 million (In Capital Component for office construction purpose)The construction of office building in the premises of Electric Inspect, Hyderabad Region by Energy Dept. could not be still resolved due to land dispute, between the Irrigation Dept. The Chief Secretary has taken stand hence as and when the matter will be resolved, the construction work will be started.


Position Of ADP Schemes

Position of ADP Schemes for Strengthen/Establishment of Sub Officer of the Directorate in Karachi to Monitor the Electrification of Villages Working Of KESC (Revenue Component/Capital Component) 

Name Of SchemeAmount DistributionRemarks
Electrocution of villages in Karachi, Phase-IRs.6.203 million (In Revenue Component for monitoring purpose. Total = 8.203 million (for monitor the working for KESCAppointment of the officials made very late due to the ban of appointment. However, after & gating permission from high ups process of contract have been completed.
Rs.2.000 million (In Capital Component for office purpose)

The construction of office building in the premises of Director, Power Cell Office, Baloch Colony, Karachi by Energy Dept. could not be still resolved due to land dispute, between the Irrigation Dept. 
The Chief Secretary has taken stand hence as and when the matter will be resolved, the construction work will be started.


New Schemes For The Year 2013 – 2014


Village Electrification Programmed in Sindh, Phase – V in HESCO and SEPCO’s licensed area estimated amount of Rs.1500.00 million.


Electrification of Goths (Villages), Phase – IV in KESC licensed area estimated amount of Rs.300.00 million.


Electrification of Four Villages through Directorate of Village Electrification Programmed Sindh (Two Villages within licensed area of each HESCO & SEPCO as pilot project) with estimated cost of Rs: 6.12 million.